Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog Update 3/11

I felt that discussion we had in class today did nothing more than create animosity and divisions among the class. Both sides were correct from their own viewpoints. Artists should have conviction as well as designers, but designers also need to know if the client is satisfied. Pretending to be a fine artist if your a designer is fine. I get that. But fine artists need to realize that there are viewpoints besides their own.
As far as the actual critiques, I felt it a bit underwhelming that certain works were not completed. I almost feel that they should not have been critiqued at all.
I sound like I am full of frustration, but I did enjoy what people had to say about their own work. Most interesting to me was the explanation of the Devil's Punch bowl relating to an area back where the artist was from.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010